
spring boot


A Java frameworks course is designed to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of various frameworks that enhance and simplify Java application development. These frameworks offer pre-built solutions, reusable components, and established architectural patterns, allowing developers to focus on building robust and efficient applications rather than reinventing the wheel.

8682 +Learning
5542 +Certified


A Java frameworks course is designed to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of various frameworks that enhance and simplify Java application development. These frameworks offer pre-built solutions, reusable components, and established architectural patterns, allowing developers to focus on building robust and efficient applications rather than reinventing the wheel.

Course Description



Ø About ORM

Ø Core Components of Hibernate

Ø All Basic CRUD Operations

Ø Hibernate Mismatches

Ø Problem of Granularity

Ø Problem of Relationships

Ø Problem of Inheritance

Ø Primary key Generators


Ø Native SQL Query

Ø Hibernate Criteria API

Spring F/w:

Ø Introduction

Ø Spring Modules

Ø Spring Core

Ø Spring Bean

Ø Spring Core Container


Ø Types of DI

Ø Spring Inheritance

Ø Working with Collections

Ø Auto wiring

Ø Dependency Check

Ø Aware Interfaces

Ø Bean Lifecycle

Ø Spring Core Annotations

 Spring SAOP

Ø Spring JDBC

Ø Introduction

Ø Diff b/w Traditional approach vs Spring JDBC

Ø JDBC Templates

Ø Spring ORM

Ø Spring MVC

Ø Introduction On MVC

Ø Basic Steps Involved in Spring MVC Web

Ø  Spring MVC Workflow

Ø Spring Controllers

Ø Spring Form Validations

Ø Spring Form Tags 

Ø Spring Boot

Ø Introduction

Ø REST Implementation

Ø  Spring Data JPA



Course Key Features

·         Classroom and Online Training

·         IT Experts as Trainers

·         Industry Curriculum

·         Real Intensive -Time use cases and Projects

·         One to One with mentor

·         Convenient Training schedules

·         Per Day 8 Hours Lab support.

·         Pre-Assessment Questions  

·         Course Material

·         Swhizz Certification is valid for lifetime.

·         Resume Building

·         Interview Guidance

·         Mock Interview

·         Drives with Top companies

·         Internship Opportunities

·         Tie up with 50+ clients

Who Should Attend

·         Graduates

·         Post Graduates

·         Career Gap people

·         Software Developers

·         Operations Professionals

·         Quality Assurance Engineers

·         System Administrators

·         IT professionals

·         Associates

Course Outline for

Introduction to Java Programming

  • Stand-alone applications and servlets
  • Compiling source code into bytecode
  • Overview of class libraries

Object-Oriented Programming with Java

      • The object paradigm
        • Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
        • OO analysis and design: “Is a” and “Has a”
        • Designing an OO application step by step
        • Diagramming object structure with Unified Modeling Language (UML)
      • Java’s object-oriented features
        • Instantiating objects from classes
        • Aggregation and composition
        • Extending existing classes
        • Overloading and overriding methods

Structure of the Java Language

      • Language syntax
        • Declaring and initializing variables
        • Declaring and using arrays
        • Upcasting, downcasting and autoboxing
      • Flow control
        • Invoking methods and passing parameters
        • Conditionals and loops
        • Handling exceptions with try and catch
      • Defining classes
        • Fields (instance data)
        • Methods (functions)
        • Abstract classes and interfaces
        • Organizing classes with packages and modifiers
        • Composition vs. inheritance
      • Building the components of a Java program
        • Leveraging generics with the collections API
        • Developing new classes
        • Compiling and debugging

Developing GUIs

      • Foundations of user interfaces
        • Basic GUI widgets
        • Event-driven programming
        • Benefits of a portable windowing library
      • Java Foundation Classes (JFC)
        • Creating Swing components
        • Adding Swing components to containers
        • Arranging Swing components using layout managers
        • Dialogs and message boxes
      • Event handling
        • Registering event handlers
        • Inner classes and top-level classes

Storing and Retrieving Data with File I/O

      • Java streams
        • Streams, Readers and Writers
        • Catching and throwing exceptions
        • Formatting text output
      • Files and directories
        • Reading and writing files
        • Creating, deleting and renaming files
        • Obtaining directory and file information

Working with Relational Databases

      • JDBC database access
        • Leveraging the JDBC API
        • Choosing database drivers
        • Connecting to a database
      • Improving performance with prepared statements and stored procedures
        • Submitting SQL statements
        • Retrieving and processing results

Java Development Tools

    • Java Development Kit (JDK)
    • Compiler (javac)
    • Javadoc utility
    • Java Archive (JAR) utility
    • Java Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)