
Automation Testing


Automation testing is a software testing approach that involves the use of specialized tools and scripts to automate the execution of test cases. It aims to improve testing efficiency, accuracy, and repeatability by reducing manual effort and human errors. Automation testing is particularly beneficial for repetitive and time-consuming testing tasks, regression testing, and scenarios that require testing with a large number of data inputs or configurations. Effective automation testing requires careful planning, selection of appropriate tools, and regular maintenance of test scripts. A balanced approach that combines manual and automated testing based on the specific requirements of the project can lead to a comprehensive and efficient testing strategy.

8682 +Learning
5542 +Certified


Automation testing is a software testing approach that involves the use of specialized tools and scripts to automate the execution of test cases. It aims to improve testing efficiency, accuracy, and repeatability by reducing manual effort and human errors. Automation testing is particularly beneficial for repetitive and time-consuming testing tasks, regression testing, and scenarios that require testing with a large number of data inputs or configurations. Effective automation testing requires careful planning, selection of appropriate tools, and regular maintenance of test scripts. A balanced approach that combines manual and automated testing based on the specific requirements of the project can lead to a comprehensive and efficient testing strategy.

Course Description

Selenium (Introduction)

Ø  What is automaton testing?

Ø  Difference between Manual & Automation Testing

Ø  When to go for Automation

Ø  Advantages of Automation

Ø  Licensed Automation Tools

Ø  Open source Automation Tools

Introduction of Selenium

 Ø  Overview of selenium

Ø  Different selenium Components ( Selenium DE, WebDriver, Selenium GRID)

Ø  Differences between selenium and other tools

 Configuring Eclipse IDE

 Ø  Installation of lava

Ø  Installation Eclipse IDE

Ø  How to create new java Project

Ø  How to create a new java class

Ø  Compiling and Running Java class

Ø  Analysing the results of java program

 Learning Java

 Ø  Introduction of java programming

Ø  Prinitive and Non-Primitive Data types

Ø  Operators in java

Ø  Wrapper Classes

Ø  Types of Variable ( Local,Instance and static variables)

Conditional Statements

 Ø  If else condition

Ø  Nested if Else condition

Ø  Switch Case statement

Ø  Examples for all the above Conditions

Loop Statements

Ø  While loop

Ø  Do while

Ø  For Loop

Ø  For each loop

Ø  Examples for all the above loops


Ø  What is an array?

Ø  Type of arrays

Ø  Working with single dimensional and Multi-dimensional and Multi-Dimensional arrays

Ø  Copying Arrays with clone()and array copy()

 Packages, Classes and Objects

Ø  What are packages

Ø  How to create classes,objects and

Ø  Object References

Ø  Working with Constructors

Ø  Using Methods(Instance,static)

Ø  Access Modifiers( Private ,default,Protected and Public)

Ø  Method arguments call by value and call by reference

Ø  How to write user defined methods

Interface & Abstract Class

Ø  How to define interface

Ø  How to implement interface

Ø  How to define Abstract class

Ø  Abstract method vs. Concerete method

Ø  Interface vs. Abstract class vs, concrete classimplements vs.extends


Ø  What is inheritance and why  to use inheritance?

Ø  Single level inheritance,multi-level inheritance,multiple inheritances (through interface)

Ø  Super Keyword

Ø  Composition / Aggregation

Ø  Inheritance (is a Relationship)vs. Composition (has a Relationship)


 Ø  What is polymorphism?

Ø  Compile time Polymorphism

Ø  Method Overloading

Ø  Runtime Polymorphism

Ø  Method Overriding

Ø  Final keyword

 Exception handling

 Ø  What are exceptions and errors?

Ø  Checked Exception or Compile time Exception

Ø  Unchecked Exception or Run Exception

Ø  How to Handle Exception in the Program

Ø  Using try and catch blocks

Ø  Using of throe

Ø  Using of throws


Ø  Overview of collections API

Ø  Arrays vs Collections

Ø  List,set,Map interfaces

Ø  Using ArratList Class

Ø  Working with elements of a collection

Ø  Examples for all the above concepts

 Database Connection(JDBC)

Ø  How to Configure My SQl database

Ø  How to configure with eclipse

Ø  Connection interface commands

Ø  Result set interface commands

Ø  How to Execute query

Debug java code / scripts in Eclips

Ø  Understanding Debug

Ø  Using Breakpoints



Course Key Features

Ø  Classroom and Online Training

Ø   IT Experts as Trainers

Ø  Industry Curriculum

Ø  Real Intensive -Time use cases and Projects

Ø  One to One with mentor

Ø  Convenient Training schedules

Ø   Per Day 8 Hours Lab support

Ø   Pre-Assessment Questions  

Ø  Course Material

Ø   Swhizz Certification is valid for lifetime

Ø    Resume Building

Ø   Interview Guidance

Ø   Mock Interview

Ø  Drives with Top companies

Ø  Internship Opportunities

Ø   Tie up with 50+ clients




Who Should Attend

·         Graduates

·         Post Graduates

·         Career Gap people

·         Software Developers

·         Operations Professionals

·         Quality Assurance Engineers

·         System Administrators

·         IT professionals

·         Associates


Course Outline for



Examination and Certification