
Manual and Automation

This content covers a comprehensive overview of software testing, software development, and automation testing using Selenium. The content is organized into several sections, each covering different aspects of the software testing life cycle, development methodologies, testing methods, and tools. Here's a breakdown of the key sections:
Software Testing Overview
  • Introduction to Software Testing:
  • Definition and importance.
  • Software Development Process:
  • Understanding the process of software development.
  • Differentiating between project and product development.
  • Objectives of Testing:
  • Reasons and goals for software testing.
  • Testing Principles:
  • Fundamental principles guiding software testing.
  • Software Architecture:
  • Layers (tiers) and system environment.
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC):
  • Overview of SDLC.
  • SDLC Models: Sequential, Waterfall, V-Model, Incremental & Iterative, Agile.
  • Software Testing Methods:
  • White Box, Black Box, Grey Box, Agile, Ad Hoc Testing.
  • Levels of Testing:
  • Unit, Integration, System, User Acceptance.
  • Functional and Non-Functional Testing:
  • Positive, Negative, Compatibility, Performance, Load, Stress, Recovery, Parallel, Compliance, Mutation, Security, Usability Testing.
  • Regression Testing:
  • Unit, Regional, Full Regression.
  • User Acceptance Testing:
  • Alpha, Beta, Regulatory, Operational, Contractual Acceptance Testing.
  • Maintenance Testing:
  • Maintenance Test Life Cycle, Change Request, Impact Analysis, Types of Maintenance.
  • Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC):
  • Requirement Analysis, Test Planning, Test Design, Test Environment Setup, Test Execution, Test Closure.
  • Test Process Documents:
  • Test Plan, Test Scenarios, Test Case, Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM), Defect Report.
  • Test Case Authoring:
  • Functional Test Case, Review, Walkthroughs, Inspection, Peer Review.
  • Build Release Process:
  • Standalone Application, Client-Server Application, Web Application.
  • Defect Reporting & Tracking:
  • Defect Life Cycle, Severity & Priority, Defect Tracking Tools.
  • Test Closure:
  • Criteria, Test Summary Report.
  • Agile Method and Approach:
  • Kanban, Scrum, Scrum Roles, Planning, Ceremonies, Artifacts.

Selenium (Introduction)

  • Automation Testing:
  • Differences between Manual & Automation Testing.
  • Advantages of Automation.
  • Introduction to Selenium:
  • Overview, Components (Selenium IDE, WebDriver, Selenium Grid).
  • Configuring Eclipse IDE:
  • Installation, Creating Java Project, Compiling and Running Java Class.
  • Learning Java:
  • Basics, Operators, Conditional Statements, Loop Statements, Arrays, Packages, Classes, Objects.
  • Interface & Abstract Class, Inheritance, Polymorphism:
  • Concepts and Examples.
  • Exception Handling, Collections, Database Connection (JDBC):
  • Overview, Basics, Configuration, Commands.
  • Debug Java Code in Eclipse:
  • Understanding Debug, Breakpoints, Verify Values.
  • Selenium WebDriver:
  • Features, Limitations, Configuration, Commands, Locators, Handling Text Fields, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Links, and Buttons.
  • Text Field, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, Links and Buttons:
  • Handling and Web Element Interface Methods.
  • Dropdowns, Web Tables, Calendar:
  • Handling Dropdowns, Web Tables, Calendar Elements.
  • Alerts, Frames, Windows:
  • Handling Alerts, Frames, Windows, Target Locator Interface Methods.
  • Actions Class, Takes Screenshot, JavaScript:
  • Mouse and Keyboard Events, Screenshot, JavaScript Execution.
  • Synchronization:
  • Implicit and Explicit Waits, Fluent Wait, Expected Conditions.
  • TestNG:
  • Introduction, Installation, Features, Methods, Creating TestNG Class, Maven.
  • Maven:
  • Introduction, Installation, Creating Maven Project, POM.xml, Maven Lifecycle, Jenkins.
  • GitHub & Git:
  • Creating GitHub Account, Configuring Git, GitHub with Eclipse, Git Commands, Integration with Framework.
  • Automation Life Cycle:
  • Framework, Types, Implementation of Page Object Model (POM), Keyword-Driven, Hybrid, Execution.
  • Cucumber:
  • Overview, Installation, Feature File, Step Definition, Integration with Selenium WebDriver, JUnit Test Runner Class, Data-Driven Testing, Reports.
  • Appium:
  • Introduction to Mobile Automation, Installation, Configuration, Locators, Mobile Web App, Native App, Hybrid App Automation, Execution.
8682 +Learning
5542 +Certified


This content covers a comprehensive overview of software testing, software development, and automation testing using Selenium. The content is organized into several sections, each covering different aspects of the software testing life cycle, development methodologies, testing methods, and tools. Here's a breakdown of the key sections:
Software Testing Overview
  • Introduction to Software Testing:
  • Definition and importance.
  • Software Development Process:
  • Understanding the process of software development.
  • Differentiating between project and product development.
  • Objectives of Testing:
  • Reasons and goals for software testing.
  • Testing Principles:
  • Fundamental principles guiding software testing.
  • Software Architecture:
  • Layers (tiers) and system environment.
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC):
  • Overview of SDLC.
  • SDLC Models: Sequential, Waterfall, V-Model, Incremental & Iterative, Agile.
  • Software Testing Methods:
  • White Box, Black Box, Grey Box, Agile, Ad Hoc Testing.
  • Levels of Testing:
  • Unit, Integration, System, User Acceptance.
  • Functional and Non-Functional Testing:
  • Positive, Negative, Compatibility, Performance, Load, Stress, Recovery, Parallel, Compliance, Mutation, Security, Usability Testing.
  • Regression Testing:
  • Unit, Regional, Full Regression.
  • User Acceptance Testing:
  • Alpha, Beta, Regulatory, Operational, Contractual Acceptance Testing.
  • Maintenance Testing:
  • Maintenance Test Life Cycle, Change Request, Impact Analysis, Types of Maintenance.
  • Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC):
  • Requirement Analysis, Test Planning, Test Design, Test Environment Setup, Test Execution, Test Closure.
  • Test Process Documents:
  • Test Plan, Test Scenarios, Test Case, Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM), Defect Report.
  • Test Case Authoring:
  • Functional Test Case, Review, Walkthroughs, Inspection, Peer Review.
  • Build Release Process:
  • Standalone Application, Client-Server Application, Web Application.
  • Defect Reporting & Tracking:
  • Defect Life Cycle, Severity & Priority, Defect Tracking Tools.
  • Test Closure:
  • Criteria, Test Summary Report.
  • Agile Method and Approach:
  • Kanban, Scrum, Scrum Roles, Planning, Ceremonies, Artifacts.

Selenium (Introduction)

  • Automation Testing:
  • Differences between Manual & Automation Testing.
  • Advantages of Automation.
  • Introduction to Selenium:
  • Overview, Components (Selenium IDE, WebDriver, Selenium Grid).
  • Configuring Eclipse IDE:
  • Installation, Creating Java Project, Compiling and Running Java Class.
  • Learning Java:
  • Basics, Operators, Conditional Statements, Loop Statements, Arrays, Packages, Classes, Objects.
  • Interface & Abstract Class, Inheritance, Polymorphism:
  • Concepts and Examples.
  • Exception Handling, Collections, Database Connection (JDBC):
  • Overview, Basics, Configuration, Commands.
  • Debug Java Code in Eclipse:
  • Understanding Debug, Breakpoints, Verify Values.
  • Selenium WebDriver:
  • Features, Limitations, Configuration, Commands, Locators, Handling Text Fields, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Links, and Buttons.
  • Text Field, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, Links and Buttons:
  • Handling and Web Element Interface Methods.
  • Dropdowns, Web Tables, Calendar:
  • Handling Dropdowns, Web Tables, Calendar Elements.
  • Alerts, Frames, Windows:
  • Handling Alerts, Frames, Windows, Target Locator Interface Methods.
  • Actions Class, Takes Screenshot, JavaScript:
  • Mouse and Keyboard Events, Screenshot, JavaScript Execution.
  • Synchronization:
  • Implicit and Explicit Waits, Fluent Wait, Expected Conditions.
  • TestNG:
  • Introduction, Installation, Features, Methods, Creating TestNG Class, Maven.
  • Maven:
  • Introduction, Installation, Creating Maven Project, POM.xml, Maven Lifecycle, Jenkins.
  • GitHub & Git:
  • Creating GitHub Account, Configuring Git, GitHub with Eclipse, Git Commands, Integration with Framework.
  • Automation Life Cycle:
  • Framework, Types, Implementation of Page Object Model (POM), Keyword-Driven, Hybrid, Execution.
  • Cucumber:
  • Overview, Installation, Feature File, Step Definition, Integration with Selenium WebDriver, JUnit Test Runner Class, Data-Driven Testing, Reports.
  • Appium:
  • Introduction to Mobile Automation, Installation, Configuration, Locators, Mobile Web App, Native App, Hybrid App Automation, Execution.

Course Description

What is Software Testing
The Process of Software Development
Project Vs Product
Objectives of Testing { Why do we need to test?}
Testing principles
 Software Architecture
 Different layers ( tiers)
 System Environment
 Software Development Life cycl
 Sequential models
Waterfall Model
Incremental & iterative Models
Agile methodology
Introduction Agile process
Agile manifesto
Agile principles
 Software Testing Methods
White Box Testing
Black Box Testing
Grey Box Testing
Agile Testing
Ad Hoc Testing
 Levels of Testing
Unit Testing
 Test approach
 l TDD ( Test Driven Development)
Integration Testing Test Approach
Big Bang Integration
Top-Down approach
Bottom-up approach
Stub and Driver
Continuous Integration
 System Testing Test Approach
 Requirement Based (Traceability)
Risk-Based (Risk factor number)
 Functional Testing & Non- Functional Testing
Positive testing
Negative Testing
Compatibility Testing
Performance Testing
Load Testing
Volume Testing
Stress Testing
Recovery Testing
Parallel Testing
Compliance Testing
Mutation Testing
Security Testing
Usability testing
 Regression Testing & Types
 Unit Regression
Regional Regression
Full Regression
 User Acceptance Testing
Alpha testing
Beta Testing
Regulatory Acceptance Testing
Operational Acceptance Testing
Contractual Acceptance Testing
 Maintenance Testing
 Maintenance Test life cycle
Change request
Impact Analyss Document
Type of Maintenance
 Software Testing Life Cycle ( STLC )
Requirement Analysis
Test Planning
Test Scenario / Test Case Design
Test Environment Setup
Test Execution
Test Closure
 Test Process Documents
Test Plan
Test Scenarios
Test case
RTM ( Requirement Traceability Matrix)
Defect Report
 Test Case Authoring
Functional Test case
Review of Test Case
Peer review
Build Release Proces
Standalone Application
Client-Server Application
Web - Application
 Defect Reporting & Tracking
Defect Reporting
Defect Life Cycle
Severity & Priority
Defect tracking tools
Test Closure
Criteria for Test Closure
Test summary Report
Agile Methoda And Approache
Introductionto Kanban & Best Practices
Getting Agile with Scrum
Scrum Origin
Projects where Scrum can be implemente
Characterstics of scrum
Scrum framework
Main roles of a scrum team
Product Owner
Scrum team
Planning in scrum
Goals of Planning
The Planning onion
Define the  Vision
Create the Roadmap and Organize the Scrum Teams
Release Planning
Sprint palnning
Daily Scrum
Ceremonies in Scrum
 Sprint Planning Meeting
The Daily Scrum
Sprint Review meeting
Sprint Retrospection
 Main artifacts of a scrum project
 Product backlog
Sprint backlog
Burn down charts
Potentially Shippable Product increment
Task board
Using user stories to scale down a project
Concept of user stories
Format of user stories
Writing user stories-examples
Definition of done
 Agile testing Concepts
 What is agile testing?
Agile testing quadrants
Agile Testing principles
 Exploratory Testing
User stories
Story Points
Designing test scenarious and test cases based on user stories.
 Test/Project Management Tool:JIRA
Importance of JIRA and HOW to install IRA2
What are the features of jira?
How to create a jira project
Adding usersto our jira Account
Importance of Defect life cycle and
Understanding the various stages/sataes of a defect.
Converting a Defect Life Cycle into IIRA
Assigining,closing,Adding Comments ets to the JIRA bugs.
Creating and Customizing JIRA DAshboard
Project Maetrics
ISO & CMM Standarda
Testing Certifications
Organization hierarchy.
Role of Projects Team memners
Interview Questions.
Selenium (Introduction)
What is automaton testing?
Difference between Manual & Automation Testing
When to go for Automation
Advantages of Automation
Licensed Automation Tools
Open source Automation Tools
 Introduction of Selenium
Overview of selenium
Different selenium Components ( Selenium DE, WebDriver, Selenium GRID)
Differences between selenium and other tools
 Configuring Eclipse IDE
Installation of lava
Installation Eclipse IDE
How to create new java Project
How to create a new java class
Compiling and Running Java class
Analysing the results of java program
Learning Java
Introduction of java programming
Prinitive and Non-Primitive Data types
Operators in java
Wrapper Classes
Types of Variable ( Local,Instance and static variables)
 Conditional Statements
If else condition
Nested if Else condition
Switch Case statement
Examples for all the above Conditions
Loop Statements
While loop
Do while
For Loop
For each loop
Examples for all the above loops
What is an array?
Type of arrays
Working with single dimensional and Multi-dimensional and Multi-Dimensional arrays
Copying Arrays with clone()and array copy()
Packages, Classes and Objects
 What are packages
How to create classes,objects and
Object References
Working with Constructors
Using Methods(Instance,static)
Access Modifiers( Private ,default,Protected and Public)
Method arguments call by value and call by reference
How to write user defined methods
 Interface & Abstract Class
 How to define interface
How to implement interface
How to define Abstract class
Abstract method vs. Concerete method
Interface vs. Abstract class vs, concrete classimplements vs.extends
 What is inheritance and why  to use inheritance?
Single level inheritance,multi-level inheritance,multiple inheritances (through interface)
Super Keyword
Composition / Aggregation
Inheritance (is a Relationship)vs. Composition (has a Relationship)
 What is polymorphism?
Compile time Polymorphism
Method Overloading
Runtime Polymorphism
Method Overriding
Final keyword
 Exception handling
What are exceptions and errors?
Checked Exception or Compile time Exception
Unchecked Exception or Run Exception
How to Handle Exception in the Program
Using try and catch blocks
Using of throe
Using of throws
Overview of collections API
Arrays vs Collections
List,set.Map interfaces
Using ArratList Class
Working with elements of a collection
Examples for all the above concepts
Database Connection(JDBC
How to Configure My SQl database
How to configure with eclipse
Connection interface commands
Result set interface commands
How to Execute query
Debug java code / scripts in Eclips
 Understanding Debug
Using Breakpoints
Verify the values during debug
Using step over,step into
Selenium web driver
Features and Limitations of Selenium web driver
Configure selenium with eclipse IDE ( Adding Selenium libararirs)
Configure Selenium with Chrome, Firefox Driver, IE, Safari,Opera browsers
WebDriver Interface
Chrome Driver,Firefox Driver, Internet Explorer Driver,Edge Driver Classes
Drowser Commands
Navigation commands
Handling cookies
Object identification
Find element and find elements
Different types of locators
Xpath,relative Xpath,absolute Xpath,CSS selector
How to build dynamic Xpath
Identifying Objects using Xpath and Css Selector
How to use regular expressions in Xpath and css selectors
How to configure chropath.html tags and DOM structure
Text field,checbox,radio buttons,links and buttons
 Handling text field and Text area
Handling checkbox’s
Handling Radio Button’s
Handling Links and Buttons
Web Element Interface methods
Dropdowns,web Tables, calendar
Handling dropdowns/list boxes
Select clas methods
Working with synamics web table elements
Extracting data from web tabel’s
Cutom methods for web tabel’s
Select date from calendar
Handling alerts
Alert interface methods
Handling Nested Frames
How to handle multiple browsers or Tabs
Target locator interface Methods
Actions Class,takes Screenshot,Java script
Mouse events
Double Click,Context click,drag and drop,click and hold, release
Keyboard events
How to scroll Page
Capture screenshot
How to execute java script
How to implicit wait,page load timeout,set script timeout
How to use explict wait
How to implement webdriver wait
What are different expected conditions and how to use
How to implements fuent wait
What is testNG?
Installing TestNG in Local Machine
Adding TestNg Library to the Project
Features of TestNG
Methods of TestNG
Creating TestNG class and configure no.of classes in TestNG
What is maven?
Installing Maven in local machine
Creating Maven project in Eclipse
Understanding of POM.xml
Maven integration with TestNG
Maven Lifecycle
Executing Scripts Using Maven Build tool
Advantages Maven Build Tool
Overview of Selenium Grid
Remote webDriver and Desired capabilities class
Configuring Hub
Configuring Node
Running Scripts on remote system
Run Selenium Scripts in parallel on Remote system.
GitHub &Git
How to create GitHub Account
Configure Git and GitHub with Eclipse
Git&GitHub Commands
Integrate with Framework
Automation Life Cycle
What is framework?
Types of Frameworks
How to implement page object Model(POM)
How to Implement Keywords driven Framework
How to implement Hybrid framework
How to execute the script from frameworks
Overview of BDD and Cucumber
How to install and setup Cucumber with Eclipse
Overview of Gherkin Keywords
How to create feature file
How to generate step definition file
How to integrate cucumber with Selenium WebDriver
JUnit Test runner class
Data driven testing in cucumber
Configure cucumber with maven and jenkins
How to generate reports in cucumber
Introduction to mobile automation & Appium
Installation of Android SDK on Windows OS
Installation of appium Client libraries
Configuration of Environment variables
How to use Ui automator Viewer
How to use Appium Inspector
Different types of locators
Mobile web App automation
Native app automation
Hybrid app automatin
Configuring& executing scripts on Emulator and Real Device


Attending this comprehensive training program on software testing, development methodologies, and automation using Selenium can offer you several benefits:

In-depth Knowledge: The program covers a wide range of topics, providing you with a deep understanding of software testing principles, methodologies, and tools. This knowledge is crucial for anyone involved in software development and quality assurance.

Practical Skills: The training includes hands-on exercises and practical examples, allowing you to apply the concepts you learn. This practical experience is invaluable for gaining real-world skills in software testing and automation.

Stay Updated: The content covers various aspects of software development and testing, including the latest methodologies and tools. Staying updated with current industry practices is essential for professional growth and relevance in the field.

Selenium Automation Skills: Selenium is a widely used tool for automating web applications. By attending this program, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of Selenium WebDriver, its features, limitations, and practical applications. This is particularly beneficial for testers and developers involved in web application automation.

Java Programming Skills: The program includes a section on learning Java, a widely used programming language in the software industry. This knowledge is valuable for understanding automation scripts and working with Selenium.

Agile Methodology Understanding: With a detailed overview of Agile methodologies, you'll gain insights into how Agile practices are implemented in software development. This knowledge is increasingly important as many organizations are adopting Agile methodologies for project management.

Career Advancement: Acquiring a diverse skill set in software testing, development, and automation using Selenium can enhance your career prospects. The knowledge gained from this program aligns with the industry's demand for professionals with expertise in these areas.

Certification Preparation: The program covers various topics relevant to software testing certifications. Attending this training can serve as valuable preparation for certifications, enhancing your credibility as a software testing professional.

Networking Opportunities: If the training involves group sessions or workshops, it provides an excellent opportunity to network with other professionals in the field. Networking can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

Interview Preparation: The content includes interview questions, which can be beneficial for those looking to prepare for job interviews in the software testing and development domain.

In summary, attending this training program can equip you with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed to excel in the field of software testing and development. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, the program offers valuable insights and hands-on learning opportunities.

Who Should Attend

Software Testers
QA Engineers
Project Managers
Automation Test Engineers
Agile Practitioners
Students and Graduates
Professionals Switching Careers
Anyone Interested in Software Development
Those Seeking Certification Preparation

Course Outline for

Module 1: Introduction to Software Testing
Software Testing Basics
  • Software Development Process
  • Project Vs Product
  • Objectives of Testing
  • Testing Principles
  • Software Architecture
  • SDLC Overview
  • SDLC Models
  • Software Testing Methods
Module 2: Levels of Testing
  • Unit, Integration, System, User Acceptance
  • Functional and Non-Functional Testing
  • Regression Testing & Types
  • User Acceptance Testing
  • Maintenance Testing
  • STLC
Module 3: Test Process Documents
  • Test Plan, Scenarios, Case, RTM, Defect Report
  • Test Case Authoring
  • Build Release Process
  • Defect Reporting & Tracking
  • Test Closure
Module 4: Agile Method and Approach
  • Agile Overview
  • Scrum Framework
  • Artifacts, Roles, Ceremonies
  • Main Artifacts of a Scrum Project
  • Agile Testing Concepts
Module 5: Test/Project Management Tool: JIRA
  • JIRA Importance and Installation
  • Defect Life Cycle in JIRA
  • Additional Topics: Metrics, QA, Certifications
Module 6: Selenium (Introduction)
  • Automation Testing Basics
  • Selenium Overview
  • Components (IDE, WebDriver, GRID)
  • Configuring Eclipse IDE
  • Learning Java Basics
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Locators, Text Fields, Checkboxes
  • Handling Dropdowns, Tables, Alerts
  • Actions Class, Synchronization
  • TestNG, Maven, GitHub Integration
  • Automation Life Cycle
Module 7: Cucumber
  • BDD Overview
  • Cucumber Installation
  • Feature Files, Step Definitions
  • Integration with Selenium
  • Data-Driven Testing, Reports
Module 8: Appium
  • Mobile Automation Introduction
  • Appium Installation and Configuration
  • Locators, Mobile Web, Native, Hybrid App Automation
Module 9: Advanced Topics
  • Debugging in Eclipse
  • TestNG, Maven, Jenkins
  • GitHub & Git
  • Automation Life Cycle
  • Framework Implementation: POM, Keyword-Driven, Hybrid
  • Jenkins, GitHub & Git